Saturday, August 30, 2008

Yes, today is officially my second blogging day, not a bad start ay?=D hehe And the countdown continues...I have 4 more days of Brunei, and then i'm done =o Time really flies fast huh. It seemed like it was just yesterday when I told mel that "we have six months left, we just have to study hard, to push just a bit more, then we'll be out of Brunei!!" haha who knew six months would past by us just like that. Oh well, this is life, sometimes we need to let go of things that we hold so dear to us, in order to move on with life, and to fulfil God's plans. Letting go of things is one thing, and forgetting about things is another.
Over the past few days, I've learnt that it's okay to let go of things, it's okay to let go of friendships that we've built up, it's okay to let go of our old, comfy=D habits, because yes, eventually we have to let go, but we don't have to forget about them=) right? hehe I guess what I;m most afraid of about leaving Brunei, is not the fact that I have to leave Brunei and go to UK,( a place where I'm not familiar with at all, I'm actually quite excited about that)but it's the fact that my routines and old habits have to change. The grouchy monday mornings my friends and I shared, my lazy days at home;where I'd have a bar of chocolate in one hand and a good book in the other, MY BED! haha yeah...I'm guessing I feel this way because England is so foreign to me! oh well.. I know I;m gonna be fine la=D these are just surface feelings. I know I have nothing to worry about, because i have Jesus. He gave me this huge oppurtunity, and I cant just sit here and worry, coz I know if He brings me to it, He's gonna bring me through it=) Amen? amen!=D hehe "and it;s gonna be alright. coz you are in my life, yes it's gonna be alright...gonna be gonna be gonna be gonna be alright!=D ~" yeah=D hehehe

I shall be blogging more soon. Till then, take cares! and remember Jesus love you! =D

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Time for pictures! I sure am gonna miss these people. They've played such an awesome part in my life, I really don't want to let go.

These are just a few pictures from this summer, oh the fun times we had together=)

jess! we're actually smiling together in this picture..

oh jess=D



oh my jess=D <3>

my dearest melissa<3>

karen! i have a whole album of you!=D


6 more days and counting

Guys, I have a blog haha. Unbelievable right, oh wells. I think that having a blog is one good way of keeping in touch with my loves back in Brunei, when I'm all the way in Uk. I have 6 days left, and i'm nowhere near done with my packing=) Ahhhh, oh how i'm gonna miss Brunei...i don't think you can actually feel that until you're actually leaving Brunei. I'm gonna miss the peace and quiet of Brunei, the green, green grass, the bright blue sky and most of all THE SUN! I absolutely love the sun man, it's just so... nice=D I shall end my VERY FIRST POST here and hopefully, I will not abandon my blog haha

my loves =)