Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day #1

This place is actually quite nice :) haha It's gorgeous! I'm excited to discover new places and experience this city. Looking forward for to the remaining days ahead.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

du du du

Time to visit The Maples :)

-trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understamding-

Sunday, February 7, 2010

When the rain is blowing in your face, and the whole world is on your case.

You will never walk by true passion. If you're privileged enough to experience it and be in the presence of someone else's passion, it is breathtaking.

Two days ago, for the first time since I've been here, I saw my teacher dance. She was teaching us a self-choreographed solo for CUPS, and I have never seen such passion. She wasnt even performing FOR us, she was just dancing. I could not stop crying, not because it was sad but it was because I could see what she felt and what this dance meant to her. Her being a teacher and all, it is usually essential to put on a brave and tough face in front of her students. So before friday, I had never seen her dance.
As well as being physically exhausted, emotionally as a dancer is equally exhausting . You've got to fight your personal boundaries and just give yourself. You have to be self-less. You have to be able to give and not expect anything back. When the audience or even if it's just 1 member in the audience, sees what you're trying to tell them through your dance you know you've succeeded. And that's when it's all worth it. If you're unable to expose yourself to a whole audience of strangers, if you can't give yourself... then you might as well not do it.

If you want to succeed, you need to want it soooo badly. Sooo badly that you get back up even if you had already fallen more than 30 times just in the previous 100 metres. This goes for everything, not just dancing. Being an artist in general, a businessman/woman, a stay-at-home mum, as long as you're human this goes to you :)

Just for your own interest, my teacher did a lyrical jazz piece to Adele's cover of 'Make you feel my love'. Go listen to it if you haven't already:)

Have you got a passion? If you do, what are you doing about it?

Have a great day guys:)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

stop and smell the flowers

Yesterday I experienced something that rarely happens in the present world, and it got me thinking. Everyone can get so caught up in self-pride and worldly labels that they lose the simple things that started them off int he first place. The simple things I'm talking about are things like passion, emotions, sensitivity... We were created to feel, to care, to love, to comfort. What happened? These are the walls and foundations of our lives, and I believe it does exist in everyone. I think that the reason why some of us have lost it is because of FEAR.I think that people have become afraid to feel. People have become so afraid of falling in love, feeling sad, crying, laughing, feeling mad, smiling. Why? Could it be the change in society? Could it be the constant pressure of maintaining one's reputation? Self-conciousness? But, what's wrong with being able to feel happy, what's wrong with feeling for someone? what's so wrong about making your own mistakes? I know I'm in no position to judge, and I'm not judging. All I'm saying is that I think, for some of us, it's about time we take a step back and allow ourselves to live the life that was created for us. I'm not saying that responsibilities should be tossed or anything like that. All I want is for people to feel and therefore, live.
Yes, you do get huge opportunities that come your way, and it is great! By all means, go for it! It's there, why not grab it. But dont miss out the little things that come your way. They may be small, and they might not even mean much at the time, but it's your response and attitude towards little things that matter. You can have tonnes of bricks and cement readily in front of you to build up your house, but if you're not gonna put in the work, how can you expect it to be the the home you've always dreamed of having. What's gonna happen if it comes crumbling down one day? What are you gonna be left with then?
Sorry about the glum. Yes, I realise that I might be completely wrong, I just got thinking and thought I'd share my views.You dont have to agree with anything I say at all. But it'd be interesting to know your views. :)

Have an awesome day ahead! Stop and smell the flowers:) as they say...